Global Cancer Care Company

Everybody’s Human

It’s tempting to sell service as a break/fix solution. Stage2 convinced a global cancer fighting company (client name confidential) to focus on the emotional peace of mind busy oncologists feel when their machines work properly. We then provided their service engineers with a playbook to create confidence and message uniformity. Selling the human benefits of service support opened many doors.


Through interviews with customers, Stage2 got to the root of what the target audience cared about—peace of mind.


With the key insight in mind, Stage2 created a strategy that would bring this story to life and communicate the value to internal audiences and customers.


Providing marketing materials and an execution plan that could be implemented by the client-facing technical service engineers key to the success of this campaign.


Stage2 developed foundational materials, including product names, logos, and messages. Brochures and plan-specific sales sheets were created, along with an email campaign, coordinated tradeshow and publication presence.

easy-to-use sales tools for service engineers
Focusing on the human story

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